Skincare tips for oily skin

Skincare tips for oily skin will help you a lot on the go, especially during weather-changing conditions. The extra sebum production makes your skin oily and it gives birth to other skin problems such as acne, pimples, whiteheads and blackheads.

Clean and clear skin is the best skin. You will stop being bothered with your greasy skin if you will be drooling over the skin care tips to make it oil-free and super fresh.

Oily skin needs to have the proper care in which you need to follow skin care tips for oily skin. Read on some of the points that offer skin care tips which you should follow for oily skin on regular basis:

Skin care tips to control oily skin

1. Cleansing

You need to control excess oil from the skin for that cleansing is very important. Wash your face daily two times and not only with plain water but also use face wash once in the morning and next just before going to bed. Don’t forget to use warm water for washing your face.

2. Improve Eating habits and include an oil-free diet

What you eat shows on your skin. So for the betterment of oily skin, take an oil-free diet. Add more vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and sprouts. Ditch fried, sweets and preserved food items. Increase the intake of lemons, oranges, and seasonal fruits to fight blemishes, blackheads and acne.

3. Use of scrub will help your oily skin

Scrubbing can do wonders through exfoliation that helps in removing the dead cells. Don’t indulge in over-exfoliation that may lead to dryness of your face. Do this process of exfoliation twice in a week and experience the change in your skin. Skin problems will not be your thing anymore and with that skin care tips, your skin will start breathing.

4. Do regular workout

The daily workout will increase blood circulation that improves the quality of skin cells with proper nourishment. The workout will make you sweat out which will balance your health of the skin. This reduces the chance of getting pimples as well that oily skin is more likely to have. Involve yoga and Surya namaskar for curing oily skin.

5. Drink Plenty of Water

Plenty of water will make your skin glow rather than making it look greasy and frying pan. At least drink 8 glasses of water and make your daily routine without fail.

6. Apply an oil-free face pack or a homemade one

Oil-free based face pack will let your skin feel smoother and help you to get rid of your oily skin issues. Apply twice a week for a better result. It will superbly control oils from your face.

When it comes to having a homemade face pack then you should go for an egg white and lemon face pack. The oatmeal face pack is also very effective when you add curd or honey or fruit juices to make a paste and massage it for 5 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.

7. Avoid going out bare face

Wear a mask or cover your face with a scarf to ignore heavy pollution, dirt, and dust out there. Pollution and dirt will give birth to pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads and give the layers of dead cells which will cause skin darkening, flaws, patches, acne and other skin issues.

8. Use Blotting Papers

Blotting paper will not cure any skin problems but it can help you to reduce oil from your face and that allows you to have non-greasy skin. You can use that at your convenience even throughout the day.

9.  Use the right cosmetics

You should not ever use foundation-based cream or foundation. Go for the water-based products instead. Water-based creams will help you not to clog pores. Grab only good quality makeup and beauty products to avoid any unwanted skin conditions like acne, infection and scarring.

10. Honey

The honey brings out the skin oil and keeps it moist. Honey treats well to your skin and makes it healthy and glowing due to its antibacterial and antiseptic abilities.


Oily skin has many challenges that you need to face. The overproduction of the sebum from sebaceous glands is an indication of oily skin. Extra sebum on the skin may cause much damage such as clogged pores and acne. So it is mandatory to follow all the above measures to protect your skin to produce extra oil and avoid looking sticky every time.

I hope that the above-provided best 10 skincare tips for oily skin will be helpful and for long-term use. You cannot avoid those points of skincare to follow as they will lead your skin to other levels of beauty. I wish you healthy and glowing skin.

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