6 Reasons For Hair Loss And How to Treat It

All of us shed some amount of hair every day, and it is normal. However, if you notice a significant amount of hair loss, then something is not right. Still, we will suggest you do not worry and stress about it. In the case of both females and males, baldness happens because of extreme hair loss. There can be many reasons related to hair loss. The changes in hair texture and frizzy feel or split ends are the initial signs that we ignore before hair loss problems.

We are presenting an extensive study of the causes of hair loss and treatment.

Causes of Hair Loss

There are issues like genes, hormones, pollution, etc. that can affect your hair texture and cause hair loss. Check the following reasons for better understanding:

Androgenic Alopecia

It is a term for baldness, which is mainly found in men and women due to their genes. In this situation, individuals lose their hair from the crown area. Hair thinning is the first symptom of this problem. According to hair experts, it is said that Androgenic Alopecia can start at any age.

You can try applying herbal shampoos or even castor oil for better hair growth. If you are still going through a large amount of hair loss, then immediately consult a doctor.


Few women experience hair loss during their pregnancy. It is either due to the medication that is prescribed to them or hormonal changes occurring then. The decreased level of estrogen mostly affects the hair during pregnancy. However, health care professionals are always opinion not to worry about it, like hair loss during pregnancy is a temporary phase.

You can try the voluminous best shampoos for hair loss and conditioners during this time. Try avoiding intensifying conditioners, as they can be too heavy for your hair and scalp.

Hair Style

When you pull your hair tight and put on a hairband or go for a ponytail, it causes hair thinning. Your hair becomes loose and brittle. Traction alopecia is a condition when baldness occurs due to tight hairstyling activities. You can leave your hair the way it is if you notice such hair loss. Using a biotin shampoo can start working for proper hair growth.


Often medicines for acne or blood thinners etc can also result in hair loss. There are antidepressants, which also cause hair shedding. If anyone feels they are losing hair due to medicines, then visit a doctor. The health care experts may reduce the dose of the medicine or give you alternatives.

Wrong Diet

If there is a lack of nutrition in your diet, then it can also cause hair shedding. Therefore, including vitamins, iron, and carbs are essential for proper hair growth. We always suggest our readers go for a blood check-up when they are experiencing hair loss. It helps to understand whether hair loss is due to a lack of nutrition or not?


Due to this fungal infection, people often lose their hair. It is mainly seen in the scalp area. You may experience itching or redness. Brittle hair is another sign of this type of hair loss. Often ring patches are also seen on the scalp area.

Try to invest in vitamin-enriched best biotin shampoos that can help in re-growing your hair. It also helps to soothe the itchiness and creates new hair follicles.

Self-care is essential when you are experiencing extreme hair loss unnaturally. Your body is already giving you a sign, that you should not ignore. Try to convert your lifestyle, drink water, do not opt for tight hairstyles, and visit a health care professional.

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