Beauty Menu: How Poor Nutrition Affects the Skin

Beauty Menu: How Poor Nutrition Affects the Skin

It has been proven that improper nutrition affects not only the proportions of the figure, but also the quality of the skin. We suggest making a few changes in your diet and nutrition system that will bring results quickly.

If you start losing weight and do it right, then as a bonus you get beautiful and elastic skin that will glow with health from the inside.

Vegetable salad
Greens and vegetables are ideal for improving the skin: there are vitamins, antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, and fiber

What foods spoil your skin and health?
Let’s rely not on specific dishes, but on their components, which affect the quality of the skin.

Large amounts of refined sugar suppress the immune system and can trigger skin conditions. And collagen and elastin, which provide youth and turgor, are “afraid” of sugar in any form: glucose, fructose, sucrose. The more you eat sweets, the less nutrients your skin produces.

Sugar also binds B vitamins, which are responsible for cell repair and digestion, so those with a sweet tooth can have stomach problems and acne.

What to do? Consume no more than the norm of sugar (30–45 g per day) for an adult, give up sweet soda and daily use of confectionery.

Can’t live without sweets? Opt for quality sweeteners or switch to berries and fruits. For example, in desserts of almost all Grow Food lines, not refined sugar is used, but natural sweeteners and proven sweeteners. Minimum calories, and the taste of pancakes or cake is the same as in childhood.

Everyone knows that salty foods cause swelling, which stretches the skin and provokes acne. In addition, some medical professionals claim that iodized salt and large amounts of iodized foods can also lead to acne.

Almost every Russian needs to reduce salt intake. The World Health Organization recommends not adding more than 5 g of salt to your diet (1 teaspoon), but according to statistics, we eat about 20 g per day – taking into account convenience foods and ready-made meals from the store.

What to do? Refuse from supermarket culinary products and processed meat products (sausage, smoked meats, rolls, pates). Do not add salt to food when cooking. Don’t you believe it can be delicious? Try the food prepared at Grow Food; they are almost salt-free, but you will not notice this due to the correct selection of spices.

Animal fat and trans fats
The high content of trans fats and saturated fats in foods provokes the production of sebum, which is directly related to inflammation and acne due to clogged pores. In addition, if you have poor heredity, fats will provoke changes in the hormonal system, which will also affect the skin.

High in saturated fat is found in meat and dairy products. Trans fats are found in large quantities in fast food, convenience foods, sauces, baked goods and snacks.

Popular on the Internet diets “without a gram of fat” will also quickly ruin the skin. It will become dry, dehydrated, flaky and wrinkled quickly.

What to do? Add unsaturated fats (olive oil, fish, avocado) to the diet; leave lean meat (turkey, chicken, beef) and dairy products with a low percentage of fat on the menu.

Unsaturated fats
Unsaturated fats are easily digested and do not convert well into body fat, an excellent choice for losing weight and taking care of their health

Simple carbohydrates
They are found in a whole group of foods – white bread, cakes and sweets, pasta, potatoes, sugar, soda, honey, jam, syrup and others.

Like sugar, these foods cause a surge in insulin, alter metabolism and “break” the hormonal system. Simple carbohydrates also affect the state of collagen fibers, inhibiting their production and provoking dehydration. The skin sags, becomes grayish, becomes covered with microcracks and inflammations. Changes in the hormonal system will entail drug treatment, which will not affect the skin in the best way.

Simple carbohydrates are also involved in the glycation process. Free sugars are bound by protein molecules, since the body does not need them in such quantities. It turns out a viscous substance that envelops the vessels located in the upper layer of the skin. The required amount of oxygen and nutrients ceases to flow to them. The skin quickly acquires a yellowish tint, the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles are accelerated. The most intense glycation begins to take place after 35 years. You can stop it if you give up refined sugar and simple carbohydrates.

What to do? Try to give up simple carbohydrates that are not beneficial, poorly satiating, and degrade the quality of your skin, not to mention weight gain. Switch to complex carbs (cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, low GI grain breads).

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