Strength training is a vital part of a balanced fitness routine that includes aerobic activity and flexibility exercises. A lot of people just know that it is something that is done, but there are variables to consider that are really important in achieving the aims of these exercises. We will get to discuss some here.


Cardio is also called aerobic conditioning. It has to do with exercising the heart and lungs, collectively called the cardiorespiratory system. It works on the premise that when extra stress is placed on the cardiorespiratory system by exercise, the body is forced to acquire and utilize oxygen more efficiently. This provides the body with an ability to withstand internal and external foreseen or unforeseen stressors than can be placed on it at any point in time of the body’s existence. Regular aerobic exercise, such as sports, makes your muscles use oxygen more efficiently and strengthens your heart and lungs. Some people use weights. This concept is called resistance. This strengthens and increases the amount of muscle mass in your body by making your muscles work harder than they are used to.


When planning to start or maintain a cardio and strength training regimen, there are factors to consider. The first is to set your goal. If the goal is to run or walk 10 miles, then you need to plan your training schedule based on achieving that distance. The reason for training is not only to build up muscular endurance but to train the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply enough blood and oxygen to the muscles during the activity. If your goal is however to sprint, then you will be activating the system that is used without oxygen. This is called the anaerobic system. If you are to run or walk a long distance, then you will be activating the aerobic component of your body, which is the cardiorespiratory system. So, it all depends on your goals.


You need your cardiorespiratory system to be well-trained in order to perform well at high altitudes, especially if you are exercising in an area that has a higher elevation than where you are accustomed. This brings the need to practice at various altitudes. Exercising at high altitudes makes your heart to beat faster, making the lungs work harder to supply the much-needed oxygen. Learn more.


Water is a very important component directly related to sweating and breathing, or the rate at which you breathe. A certain amount of water, no matter how minute, is expelled with each breath we expel. The higher the altitude, the higher the respiratory rate, and hence the higher the need for water and rehydration. The reason for this is that you are breathing in and out at a higher rate than your body is used to at lower elevation levels.


We can see that before we can make a healthy balance between the exercising decisions we make, we have to ask ourselves what exactly we need from these exercises. With that, we will be sure to make effective plans.


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