How to get more fiber in your diet

Fibre is essential to a healthy diet and is easily available. Unfortunately, a lack of fibre is surprisingly a prevalent health issue. People who lack fibre experience constipation, weight issues, gut issues, and even mental issues. This very unassuming yet critical component in a healthy diet can really determine your good health, so ensure that you get plenty of it.

What is fibre and why do I need it?

Fibre put simply is plant roughage. Think of plant roughage as the indigestible fibres that ‘sweep’ your digestive system clean as the roughage physically binds to waste matter, helping you to eliminate it.

Fibre is often associated with healthy bowel movements, but that’s just the surface. You need fibre to get rid of toxins, excess hormones, and even cholesterol, all of which go beyond having regular bathroom trips. Fibres’ ability to help the body rid itself of waste material helps to ensure that your metabolism stays on track, that your immune system stays strong, your hormones stay balanced, your liver is cleansed and issues such as gut, heart, and cardiovascular disease are lessened.

There are two types of fibre:

1. Insoluble fibre is a fibre that doesn’t readily mix with water and other liquids in your digestive system. It instead bulks up the waste in your body so that you can more easily excrete it. Insoluble fibre is what you need to literally help move things along in your digestive system.

2. Soluble fibre on the other hand quickly absorbs liquids in your digestive system to swell up and forms a gel. Soluble fibre is responsible for feeling full as well as aiding in digestion and stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Where can I get fibre?

Fibre is fortunately easy to come by. Focus on eating plant-based foods as all forms of plant-based foods contain fibre.

1. Eat vegetables

Vegetables should comprise the bulk majority of any healthy diet. Not only does eating more vegetables bulk up your fibre intake, but you also give your body a wide host of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants through nutrient-dense yet low-calorie foods.

Vegetables that are particularly high in fibre include:

2. Eat whole grains

The world of whole grains is vast and with a little experimenting in the kitchen, you can easily bulk up any meal with fibre-rich whole grains. Thanks to the fibre content in wholegrains unlike their refined-grain counterparts, whole grains provide long-lasting sustained energy.

Going beyond your usual oats, rice and wheat, try to add these other worldly whole grains that are chock-full of fibre with the added benefit of containing protein and minerals:

3. Eat Fruit

Like vegetables, eating fruit gives the added benefit of providing antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to already fibre-rich plant food. Fruits especially are best eaten whole as their natural fibres prevent you from getting a spike in sugar. Regardless if it’s sugar from an inherently healthy source, even fruit sugars can cause a spike in insulin.

Fortunately, whole and fresh fruits are absolutely delicious and hard to beat. Get more of ‘nature’s candy’ with these fibre-rich fruits:

4. Eat Legumes

Legumes are often an underrated plant-based food. As very simple and unassuming ingredients, not to mention quite affordable, legumes are an excellent source of protein, which is beneficial for those who do not eat meat or avoid it. Legumes are rich in plant protein and B-Vitamins, but unlike meat, have the benefit of being low in saturated fat and high in antioxidants. Like, grains, legumes go far beyond beans. Get more acquainted with this fibre-rich food group, and your health and taste buds will thank you!

5. Eat Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are arguably the food world’s source of plant-based nutrition that’s enjoyed by most. Nuts and seeds go well in sweet and savoury dishes and have the lovely ability to transform into a base for sauces, add a hearty crunch to entrees, and add a healthy yet indulgent dimension to pastries, or just simply enjoyed fresh and by the handful.

These tiny plant foods though pack in some serious fibre. On top of that, nuts and seeds are an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, minerals and antioxidants. Whether you like to roast them, blend them into nut butter, or use them in your baking or cooking, nuts and seeds provide more fibre than you’d expect.

Try incorporating more of these fibre-rich nuts and seeds into your diet.

Did you know that fibre and probiotics go hand in hand as a power pair for good gut health? Fibre and probiotics help your gut microbiome to thrive. Pair a diet rich in plant-based ingredients with a quality Probiotic supplement to help you look and feel good as well as support your overall wellness.

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