The Influence of Nutrition on Human Thinking
Health & Food

The Influence of Nutrition on Human Thinking

The Influence of Nutrition on Human Thinking

Nutrition provides the body with essential micro and macro elements, contributing to the normal functioning of internal organs. The work of the brain depends on the quality of food, the ratio of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and its calorie content, since it consumes about 50% of the glucose supplied with food. Lack of nutrients and minerals provokes various ailments, in particular fatigue, absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate for a long time, drowsiness. The influence of nutrition on a person’s thinking is of great importance, as well as regular sports activities that improve blood circulation, including in the brain.

How does food affect the brain?
The human brain consists of a huge number of neurons covered with myelin sheath, like all nerve fibers in the body. An interesting fact – myelin is called “white matter” because of its color and consists of about 70% of lipids (phospholipids and “good” cholesterol), which allow impulses to be transmitted to the brain in isolation. This allows us to make precise coordinated movements or perform several functions at the same time without any difficulty.

The remaining 30% of the myelin sheath consists of protein – a building block of cells, which also transports nutrients to the brain, for example, glucose, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, for the normal functioning of the mental processes, it is necessary to eat correctly and in a balanced manner, paying particular attention to the ratio of nutrients.

The importance of each element of the BJU chain
For your nervous system and brain to function properly, your daily diet should contain all three components.

Proteins: Multifunctional substances, without which cell renewal and the supply of useful substances to them is impossible. The amount of protein in the diet should be about 30% to cover all the costs of the body. You can get them from any meat, legumes, dairy products.

Fats: The main component of the brain, as well as a source of fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids of the Omega group. They are part of the phospholipids and are the building blocks of the “white matter”. Fats also contain “good” cholesterol, which is involved in the production of vitamin D and a number of steroid hormones (testosterone, estrogen, cortisol). The amount of unsaturated fat in the daily diet can be as high as 25%. They are found in sea fish, nuts, various seeds and vegetable oil.

Carbohydrates: Energy required for the normal functioning of all processes in the body. The most valuable source is complex carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits and berries, grains, beans (especially chickpeas, lentils). They slowly raise blood glucose levels and are also stored as glycogen in the liver to nourish the brain when needed.

Simple carbohydrates in the form of sugars cause insulin spikes, negatively affecting a person’s thinking. After such a meal, you quickly feel tired and weak, it is difficult for you to concentrate. Therefore, chocolate does not improve brain function, contrary to popular belief. But a hearty breakfast of oatmeal or a lunch of pilaf with vegetables and meat, as in the Grow Food food lines, on the contrary, will charge you with energy, give you vigor and strength to perform complex physical and mental tasks.

Keep track of a variety of your daily diet to saturate your body with as many nutrients as possible. Do not forget to drink plenty of fluids, because our brain consists of 80% water, which plays a direct role in the transmission of impulses. And for better mental activity, you can additionally go in for sports, which will have a beneficial effect on the body and health in general!

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