What vitamins improve memory?

Many vitamins, minerals and other substances that strengthen memory are part of complex drugs that can be purchased at any pharmacy. But the chemically produced vitamins digest the organism not completely and not always with sufficient accuracy can observe the daily dosage of a certain vitamin, which can lead even to hypervitaminosis. And it can be no less dangerous than beriberi. Therefore, the optimal intake of vitamins into the body with food. Natural vitamins are more fully absorbed and their content is able to control the organism itself. We should highlight those vitamins that play a special role in the development and maintenance of brain cells.

Vitamins of the “brain” group B

The vitamin B group vitamins have the greatest influence on the body of thinking. Products containing thiamine and folic acid must be present in the diet since they are not synthesized by the body and can only come from outside. B vitamins are beyond competition for improving memory, so they are called vitamins for memory number 1.


The intake of vitamin B1 (thiamine) has a hugely positive effect on memory functions (for example, Alzheimer’s), and its deficiency can cause weakness, irritability, depression, and serious neurological diseases. It effectively converts carbohydrates into substances needed to nourish the brain and improve its performance. Thiamine is found in lean pork, poultry, eggs, milk, nuts, cereals, potatoes, beans, soy, garlic and parsley. It collapses when heated above 120 degrees. The daily requirement for thiamine is 2.5 mg.


All the important processes in the body occur with the participation of riboflavin – vitamin B2. Its deficiency is disturbed by sleep, causing memory, attention and eye disease to deteriorate. Riboflavin enters the body with the use of champignons, liver, kidneys, poultry, milk, eggs, cabbage, onions, parsley, dried fruits, nuts, and sea-buckthorn. Vitamin B2 is resistant to high temperatures but is destroyed by exposure to light. Normally, the body should receive 3 mg of riboflavin per day.


For a good blood circulation system, vitamin B3, also known as niacin, nicotinic acid or vitamin PP, is simply needed. A full-fledged supply of the brain with blood-tolerant substances positively affects memory. The deficiency of nicotinic acid dramatically worsens memory and causes rapid fatigue, reduced attention and dizziness. But this is rare because niacin is found in many foods: liver, eggs, egg yolks, fish, potatoes, tomatoes, and prunes. The daily requirement of the body for vitamin B3 is 10 mg.


Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine promotes mental activity and increases efficiency. He is involved in the synthesis of brain neurotransmitters and is an effective antidepressant. Stress and neurosis significantly increase the consumption of pyridoxine by the body. With his lack of memory worsening, there are insomnia, depressive states and muscle cramps. Pyridoxine is found in sea and river fish, liver, garlic, uncooked grain, beans, soy, egg yolk, yeast and most vegetables. In a day, enough intake of 2 mg of B6 in the body.


Forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety, fatigue and depression lead to a deficiency of vitamin B9 or folic acid. It removes toxins from the body, soothes the nervous system, and is responsible for blood circulation and the formation of red blood cells. Also contributes to the organization of thinking and the restoration of memory. Contained in the liver, kidneys, beef, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, bakery products, fermented milk products, dried fruits, yeast, and herbs. The body needs 100 mg of this vitamin per day.


Vitamin B12 or cobalamin takes part in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which can improve memory and enhance the mind. Improves the absorption of vitamins A, C, iron and other nutrients. It also promotes the preservation of hereditary information by cells and reduces stress stresses that have a detrimental effect on brain activity. Maintaining the amount of cobalamin in the body at the proper level will help to avoid general weakness, intellectual fatigue, loss of attention, and serious memory disorders. For this, it is sufficient to consume 5 mg of this vitamin per day. It is found in meat, milk, and cheese.

Vitamins are all needed, vitamins are all important

In addition to B group vitamins, other people are also important to the mind and memory of a person, each of whom fulfils the role assigned to him in the complex human body. Under the influence of vitamin A (retinol), which is a powerful antioxidant, there are improvements in memory performance, ageing processes are slowing down, and new cells are actively developing. Retinol is found in carrots, apricots, melons, pumpkins, parsley, and egg yolks.

Thanks to vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases the activity of the whole organism. The mental state of the body and immunity is strengthened, and the preservation of cells and blood vessels is maintained. A lot of ascorbic acids is found in citrus, kiwi, strawberry, currant, and dogrose.

Vitamin D takes part in the preservation of cerebral vessels, counteracts ageing and bone changes, and raises the level of concentration of attention. Contained fatty fish, some types of mushrooms, and egg yolk. It is also synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight.

Adequate intake of vitamin E (tocopherol) in the body prevents ageing and the formation of blood clots, removes toxic substances, helps maintain mental abilities. The source of intake in the body is vegetable oil, nuts, sunflower seeds, liver, and wheat germ.


To fully nourish the brain and improve memory it is very important to properly balance your diet in terms of the content of nutrients in the consumed products. Daily intake of vitamins contained in meat, fish, whole grains, nuts, seeds, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, will fully meet the needs of the brain, and improve its ability to think and memorize a significant amount of information.

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